•8:03 AM

I joined back to work when my kids were 5 months old...lucikly for me my hubby was posted in a different city...I got to stay with my parents...we had a struggle to get maids to help in caring for the babies...they were really a handful...
Every moment was a joy...and every milestone they had made me swell with motherly pride...
Frankly speaking...I don't remember many incidents...during their initial years...I should have started blogging then...but no way I could have done it...
During thier second year I made a trip to the US along with my twins all alone as my hubby was posted there...now that's an achievment to brag about for my entire life ain't it!!!!
Lemme...post a pic...
- Welcome back co-blogger....
- wish u'd blog more often :)
Only after reading your blog after a long time did i start again...u are my inspiration di...keep going..I'll follow you!!!