"Why was I born?
Why did I grow up not having the bliss of ignorance?
Why do I know the difference between right and wrong?
Why am I leading a life that I am leading now?
What is the purpose of my existance?
What is love?
Why do I not know whether I am wrong or the world is?
Why cannot I have control over my heart?"
This was written some months back and I had saved it as a draft....surprisingly I am not even able to remember when and why I had written this...definitely it was not my best day I guess!!!
Despite all the hurdles that God had placed in our life...he has given us the most important gift...the gift of being able to forget...or rather forgive and forget!!! Maybe I should make use of it more often....
I just remember this one incident when they were in UKG. It was the last day of school and they came to me and said that tomorrow is celebration day and we need Rs.5 each to buy something and share with all. They said everyone in the class will be going and celebrating, pouring water on each other etc...I trusted them and gave them Rs.5 each and sent them.
The next day, they came home with partially wet uniform and all was well.
Later, just out of curiosity I started questioning them on the happenings of the day when a new story unfolded!!!! There was no celebration that was planned in the class. They had a couple of van friends from higher classes (2nd std and 1st std!!!), who had made the plan. They had decided to bring money from home, meet under a particular tree after school (I never in my wildest dreams imagined that my babies knew the way around the school...except from and to the van!!!! How naive can I be?!!!), go to the canteen, buy and eat snacks etc...later when these 4 came late to the van, the van anna had questioned them and they had poured water on him and teased him etc and the poor guy just shut up and brought them home....my lil babies...were becoming lil rowdies...Rowdy Rackammas!!!!
The sixth birthday was almost the same as the previous one...except it fell on Karthigai Deepam day!!!
Also, my gals were really grown up and they had invited one of their Van friend for the party on their own...we just brushed it aside...but come 7.00 pm that friend lands up in our home with a gift and party dress along with her dad enquiring whether there really was party going on!!!!

The Fifth birthday was a very simple party at home with few neighbours...as we had shifted to a new house and did not know many people in the new area.

The third birthday was when hubby dear was back and we decided to throw a grand party to all relatives...we organized it in a roof garden restaurant in chennai.
The second birthday was celebrated in Hotel Sangeetha in Chennai.
My hubby was away in the US and so I organized it myself with help from my FIL.
It was small gathering with mostly my friends!!!!
This was the time we needed all the help in the world to look after the twins...they were more than a handful...we had 1 maid servant, 1 cook, 2 girls (stay at home...in the picture) to run behind each kid and 1 driver!!!! On the first of every month I felt like a "Naatamai" disbursing salary to all!!!!
The first year just rushed past with numerous visits to various doctors...that's all I remember...
I started back on my job when my kiddos were 5 months old....here are few of their first B'day pics...
Hey I remember something....they had 3 first birthday parties!!!
I took them and ventured out of my house about 3 days before their first B'day...I went to HYD along with my FIL to stay at my in laws for a week...but I was in for a surprise...
They just refused to get accustomed to the new surroundings and new faces TOTALLY...and I almost had a nervous breakdown...there were some hard feelings from my In laws too...so I had to return back to Chennai ASAP...which made us prepone their Birthday party by a day on Nov 30th itself. It was a very grand party as my FIL held the highest position in the entire township.
So, on their birthday (Dec 1st) we flew back to chennai and that day evening we had a sudden birthday party at home...with a lot of last minute preparations.
Since that party was too quick, my parents decided to give another grand party to ALL relatives and friends and so organized another one after a week!!
So, there goes the third party!!!
I know I've not blogged for a real long time....
Nothing much has changed in my life during this time...just laziness!!
I was not able to keep up because I wanted to write from the very beginning of birth of my children etc...which is nearly 7 years flashback...which I found it difficult to remember...hence the break...
So, I will just fill the years with a few pics and start blogging on the present which I guess should prove easier...lemme see...how far I go!!!!